How e-commerce companies can compete against Temu and Shein

The European e-commerce landscape is facing a formidable challenge from fast-growing international giants like Temu and Shein. These companies have disrupted traditional retail models with their aggressive pricing, vast product assortments, and highly efficient supply chains. European businesses must now adapt, innovate, and leverage their unique advantages to maintain competitiveness in this rapidly evolving market.

The Rise of Temu and Shein in European E-commerce

Temu and Shein have quickly established themselves as major players in the European market, offering an expansive range of affordable products, particularly in fashion and lifestyle categories. Their success stems from several key factors:

  1. Ultra-fast Fashion Cycles: Both companies operate on a fast-fashion model, with new products introduced to the market almost daily. This rapid turnaround caters to the latest trends and consumer desires.
  2. Competitive Pricing: Leveraging their large-scale operations and low-cost production bases, particularly in Asia, Temu and Shein can offer products at prices that many European companies find hard to match.
  3. Efficient Supply Chains: Their supply chains are optimized for speed and cost-efficiency, enabling quick delivery times and reducing inventory costs.
  4. Aggressive Marketing: Both companies invest heavily in digital marketing, particularly through social media, to reach a broad audience and engage with younger consumers.

Challenges Facing European E-commerce Companies

European e-commerce businesses face multiple challenges in competing with Temu and Shein, including:

  • Higher Production Costs: European manufacturing costs are generally higher due to stricter labor laws, higher wages, and more rigorous environmental standards.
  • Regulatory Compliance: European companies must adhere to a wide range of regulations that may not apply to international competitors, adding to their operational costs.
  • Consumer Expectations: With Temu and Shein setting new standards for price and delivery speed, European companies must find ways to meet or exceed these expectations without compromising on their values.

Opportunities for ecommerce companies to compete against Temu and Shein

Despite these challenges, there are numerous strategies European e-commerce companies can adopt to compete effectively against Temu and Shein.

1. Local production and sustainability

One of the most significant opportunities for European e-commerce companies lies in promoting local production and sustainability. As consumers become increasingly aware of environmental issues, businesses that offer eco-friendly products made within Europe can differentiate themselves from competitors who rely on distant, less transparent supply chains.

  • Shorter Supply Chains: By producing goods locally, European companies can reduce their carbon footprint, minimize shipping costs, and shorten delivery times, all of which are attractive to the growing segment of eco-conscious consumers.
  • Quality Assurance: Local production allows for greater control over product quality, ensuring that goods meet the high standards expected by European customers.
  • Brand Storytelling: Highlighting a commitment to local craftsmanship and sustainable practices can be a powerful marketing tool, helping brands to build a loyal customer base that values ethical consumption.

2. Leveraging technology for personalization and customer experience

Another way European e-commerce companies can compete is by focusing on personalization and enhancing the customer experience. Temu and Shein offer a vast array of products, but their approach can sometimes feel impersonal.

  • AI and Big Data: European companies can utilize AI and big data to analyze customer behavior and preferences, enabling them to offer personalized product recommendations and marketing messages that resonate with individual consumers.
  • Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR): Incorporating AR and VR into the shopping experience can help bridge the gap between online and offline shopping. For instance, virtual fitting rooms or AR-based home decor tools can offer consumers a more interactive and engaging shopping experience.
  • Enhanced Customer Service: European companies can distinguish themselves by offering superior customer service, including easy returns, responsive customer support, and personalized assistance.

3. Building stronger brand communities

In an age where consumers are increasingly seeking connection and community, European e-commerce companies can focus on building strong, engaged customer communities.

  • Social Media Engagement: Brands should actively engage with their customers on social media platforms, fostering a sense of community and encouraging user-generated content. This can help create a loyal customer base that feels personally connected to the brand.
  • Loyalty Programs: Offering exclusive rewards, discounts, or early access to new products can incentivize repeat purchases and strengthen customer loyalty.
  • Collaborations and Partnerships: Partnering with influencers, local artists, or other brands can help European e-commerce companies reach new audiences and add value to their product offerings.

4. Diversification of product offerings

While Temu and Shein offer an extensive range of products, European companies can compete by diversifying their product offerings to cater to niche markets and specific consumer needs.

  • High-Quality, Niche Products: European companies should focus on offering high-quality products that appeal to consumers looking for unique, well-crafted items that are not mass-produced.
  • Customizable Products: Providing options for product customization can attract consumers who are looking for personalized items that reflect their individual style and preferences.
  • Ethical and Fair Trade Products: European brands can capitalize on the growing demand for ethically produced goods by offering products that are certified fair trade or made with sustainably sourced materials.

5. Emphasizing European heritage and authenticity

European e-commerce companies have the unique advantage of being able to leverage their heritage and authenticity, which can be a strong selling point in a market dominated by mass-produced, generic goods.

  • Storytelling: Brands can use storytelling to highlight the rich history and cultural significance behind their products, appealing to consumers who value tradition and authenticity.
  • Geographical Indications: Products that are tied to a specific region, such as Champagne or Parma ham, can emphasize their unique origin to stand out from competitors offering similar products.
  • Artisanal and Craftsmanship Appeal: European brands should showcase the craftsmanship and artisanal skills involved in their products, appealing to consumers who appreciate the time, effort, and expertise that go into creating high-quality items.

6. Strategic use of European Union regulations

European companies can turn the often-cumbersome regulatory environment to their advantage by emphasizing compliance with high standards, which many consumers value.

  • Product Safety and Quality: European companies can market their adherence to stringent EU regulations as a guarantee of product safety and quality, which can be a significant advantage over competitors with less transparent supply chains.
  • Data Privacy and Security: With GDPR in place, European e-commerce companies can highlight their commitment to protecting customer data, an increasingly important issue for consumers.
  • Sustainability Standards: Compliance with EU sustainability regulations can be promoted as part of a company’s commitment to responsible business practices, attracting customers who prioritize eco-friendly products.

7. Collaborative ecosystems

European e-commerce companies can benefit from forming strategic partnerships and alliances to compete against global giants like Temu and Shein.

  • Cross-Border Collaborations: Companies can collaborate across European borders to share resources, knowledge, and best practices, creating a united front against international competitors.
  • Public-Private Partnerships: Engaging with government initiatives that support local production, innovation, and digitalization can provide European e-commerce companies with additional resources and visibility.
  • Industry Networks: Joining industry networks or consortia can help companies stay informed about the latest trends, technologies, and regulations, enabling them to adapt more quickly to changes in the market.

The future of European e-commerce: Adaptation and innovation

The competitive pressure from companies like Temu and Shein will likely continue to shape the European e-commerce landscape in the coming years. However, by focusing on local production, leveraging technology, building strong brand communities, and emphasizing their unique European heritage, local businesses can not only survive but thrive in this challenging environment. Often times, such disruptive e-commerce players like Temu and Shein must be competed against with marketing actions that remind us of marketing in a recession.

Addressing ethical concerns: A growing consumer priority

Ethical considerations are increasingly influencing consumer behavior, and European companies can capitalize on this trend by aligning their business practices with consumer values. In a LinkedIn post, Nicholas Hänny, CEO of the sustainable clothing company Nikin, highlighted this issue in the context of Temu's controversial business practices:

"The Chinese online store is currently growing stronger and, per Statista, made a trade volume of 1 billion US dollars in June 2023 alone. The demand is also increasing in Germany and Switzerland - and I don't understand why. By purchasing cheap products, you not only support companies that exploit their employees - in the worst case, the goods might not even exist... It completely contradicts my values to sell inferior goods, evade duties and taxes, and exploit employees. Probably also against the values of most German and Swiss Temu customers, yet orders are still being actively placed. Now is the time to do something, not just to stand by and watch."

This statement underscores the importance of ethical business practices and the growing discontent among consumers with companies that exploit workers or evade regulations. European e-commerce companies can turn this to their advantage by emphasizing fair labor practices, transparency, and compliance with local laws. As per the European Consumer Organization, the fast growing online marketplace fails to comply with the EU Digital Services Act.

Strategies to compete against Temu and Shein

European companies must recognize that the fight against Temu and Shein is not just about price competition. Instead, it’s about playing to their strengths—whether through sustainable practices, high-quality products, personalized customer experiences, or strategic use of regulatory compliance. The key to success lies in innovation, agility, and a deep understanding of what European consumers value most.

Final thoughts on competing in the E-commerce game

As the e-commerce sector continues to evolve, European companies must be proactive in identifying and seizing opportunities that align with their values and strengths. Whether it’s through embracing local production, fostering community, or offering unparalleled customer experiences, European businesses have the potential to carve out a distinctive and competitive position in the market, effectively countering the influence of Temu, Shein, and other international giants.


What are the key strategies for European e-commerce companies to compete against Temu and Shein?
European companies can focus on local production, sustainability, personalization, and building strong brand communities. Emphasizing quality, heritage, and compliance with EU regulations can also differentiate them from global competitors.

How can local production benefit European e-commerce companies?
Local production can reduce shipping costs, shorten delivery times, and appeal to eco-conscious consumers by minimizing the carbon footprint. It also allows for greater control over product quality and supports local economies.

Why is personalization important in the e-commerce industry?
Personalization helps create a more engaging shopping experience, catering to individual customer preferences. This can lead to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty, setting companies apart from competitors who offer a more generic shopping experience.

How can European companies leverage their heritage and authenticity?
By highlighting the cultural significance, craftsmanship, and regional uniqueness of their products, European companies can appeal to consumers who value tradition and authenticity, distinguishing their offerings from mass-produced goods.

What role does technology play in helping European companies compete?
Technology, such as AI, big data, AR, and VR, can enhance customer experience, improve operational efficiency, and enable personalization. These tools are crucial for European companies looking to innovate and stay competitive.

How can European e-commerce companies use EU regulations to their advantage?
European companies can market their adherence to strict EU regulations as a mark of quality and safety, which can attract customers who prioritize these factors. Compliance with GDPR and sustainability standards can also be leveraged as a competitive advantage.