Criteo analytics for e-commerce brands

For businesses leveraging platforms like Criteo, it’s not just about running ads; it’s about knowing their true impact. While Criteo provides robust tools for retargeting and personalization, the challenge for many Direct-to-Consumer (DTC) brands lies in fully comprehending their ad performance and optimizing strategies accordingly. This is where Admetrics comes into play.

Admetrics specializes in helping eCommerce brands transform their marketing data into actionable insights. In this article, we’ll explore how Admetrics can help eCommerce brands improve their Criteo analytics and make better data-driven decisions.

Understanding Criteo analytics for eCommerce brands

Criteo is a well-established advertising platform that excels in delivering personalized retargeting campaigns across the web, enabling brands to reconnect with customers who have already interacted with their website or products. The platform helps eCommerce brands aiming to drive conversions by presenting personalized ads that nudge potential customers back to the checkout page.

However, despite its effectiveness, Criteo’s reporting tools can often fall short of providing a holistic view of ad performance. The need for more granular insights, multi-touch attribution, and cross-channel analytics is becoming increasingly essential for brands looking to optimize their return on ad spend (ROAS). This is where Admetrics, through its advanced analytics and machine learning capabilities, steps in to complement Criteo’s offerings. Admetrics provides eCommerce teams with the tools to unlock deeper insights, refine their strategies, and drive better marketing results. Admetrics is also offering in-depth Outbrain analytics and Taboola analytics.

Admetrics: Elevating Criteo analytics with advanced attribution and predictive modeling

At its core, Admetrics is a data-driven platform that integrates first-party data with machine learning models to offer powerful insights for eCommerce brands. For businesses using Criteo, this means the ability to analyze ad performance beyond the surface level and dive into key metrics that can make or break your marketing efforts.

Multi-touch attribution: A game-changer for Criteo ads

One of the most common challenges eCommerce brands face when using Criteo is understanding how their ads contribute to the overall customer journey. Criteo’s last-click attribution model, while useful, can obscure the role that other marketing touchpoints play in influencing conversions. Admetrics solves this problem by offering multi-touch attribution, which allows brands to see how different channels interact and contribute to the customer’s decision-making process.

With Admetrics’ multi-touch attribution, you can:

  • Identify high-impact touchpoints: Understand which interactions (across various platforms, not just Criteo) play the most critical role in driving conversions.
  • Allocate marketing spend more effectively: By seeing the entire customer journey, brands can reallocate budgets to the channels that have the greatest influence.
  • Optimize cross-channel strategies: Leverage insights from multi-touch attribution to ensure that Criteo ads are working in synergy with other marketing initiatives.

This results in a more complete understanding of ad performance and better optimization of your Criteo campaigns, ultimately improving the efficiency of your advertising budget.

Privacy-compliant customer journey tracking

As privacy concerns continue to rise, especially in eCommerce, ensuring compliance with data protection regulations is paramount. Admetrics provides a privacy-compliant solution that tracks customer journeys without compromising sensitive information. By integrating this feature with Criteo Analytics, brands can achieve a thorough understanding of how customers interact with their ads without sacrificing privacy compliance.

This feature offers:

  • First-party data integration: Admetrics integrates seamlessly with eCommerce platforms, providing brands with insights based on their own customer data.
  • Privacy-first tracking: While many tracking tools face limitations due to privacy regulations, Admetrics ensures compliance, allowing you to keep tracking key interactions.

By providing clean, privacy-compliant data, Admetrics enables you to understand customer journeys more effectively, improving the accuracy of your Criteo analytics.

PRISM4: A revolutionary approach to data insights

Admetrics' PRISM4 system goes beyond traditional tracking and attribution models by offering a holistic approach to data insights. PRISM4 delivers actionable insights that provide unparalleled efficiency across your marketing channels, including Criteo. It allows brands to bypass the limitations of conventional tracking and focus on what really matters—how each ad and channel contributes to the overall business goals.

With PRISM4, eCommerce brands can:

  • Eliminate manual reporting processes: PRISM4 offers fully customizable dashboards that unify data from all advertising platforms, including Criteo, enabling a more streamlined decision-making process.
  • Drive faster and more accurate insights: By integrating data from multiple sources, PRISM4 ensures you get a complete view of ad performance, eliminating the guesswork.
  • Improve data quality: Poor data can lead to poor decisions. PRISM4 ensures that the data you’re working with is accurate, enabling better Criteo campaign optimization.

For eCommerce teams managing multiple advertising platforms, including Criteo, PRISM4’s ability to centralize data from various sources makes it easier to maintain a high level of operational efficiency. If you want to know more about what is marketing mix modeling and how deploying it can help your e-commerce, read our in-depth article here.

Understand data with Criteo analytics A powerful combination for eCommerce success

For eCommerce brands using Criteo as a key part of their advertising strategy, Admetrics offers a comprehensive suite of tools designed to enhance your analytics and drive better performance. From multi-touch attribution to AI-driven predictive audiences, Admetrics provides eCommerce teams with the insights they need to optimize their Criteo campaigns, improve ROAS, and achieve sustainable growth.

In summary, the integration of Admetrics with Criteo analytics provides:

  • Deeper insights into customer journeys and ad performance.
  • Privacy-compliant tracking and first-party data integration.
  • AI-based predictive modeling to improve ad targeting and personalization.
  • Multi-touch attribution for a holistic view of cross-channel interactions.
  • Actionable insights to allocate marketing budgets more effectively.

By combining Admetrics' powerful analytics with Criteo's ad performance data, eCommerce brands can unlock new levels of optimization and drive better results across their marketing channels.


How does Admetrics improve Criteo Analytics?
Admetrics enhances Criteo Analytics by providing multi-touch attribution, AI-driven predictive modeling, and privacy-compliant tracking, helping brands understand the complete customer journey and optimize their ad spend for better results.

What is multi-touch attribution, and why is it important?
Multi-touch attribution allows brands to see how different marketing touchpoints contribute to conversions, offering a more holistic view of the customer journey compared to last-click attribution. This enables better decision-making regarding marketing spend.

Can Admetrics integrate with other advertising platforms besides Criteo?
Yes, Admetrics integrates with various advertising platforms, including Google Ads, Outbrain, Facebook, and TikTok and many other services and platforms, allowing brands to analyze performance across multiple channels.

Is Admetrics compliant with privacy regulations?
Absolutely. Admetrics provides privacy-compliant customer journey tracking, ensuring that brands can gather insights without compromising customer data or violating privacy laws.

How does AI-driven predictive modeling help Criteo campaigns?
Admetrics uses AI to predict audience behavior and identify which segments are most likely to convert. This allows brands to focus their Criteo campaigns on the most promising audiences, improving engagement and ROI.

What is PRISM4, and how does it support eCommerce brands?
PRISM4 is Admetrics' innovative system for unifying and analyzing marketing data across multiple platforms. It provides actionable insights that enable brands to optimize their marketing strategies and drive better results.