Outbrain Analytics: Using Admetrics for accurate insights

As digital ads get more complex, brands that rely on native advertising platforms such as Outbrain need advanced tools to assess their ad performance effectively. This is where Admetrics steps in to bridge the gap between intricate data sets and actionable insights. By offering a robust suite of tools specifically tailored to e-commerce brands, Admetrics delivers deep, data-driven clarity on Outbrain campaigns, helping brands maximize return on ad spend (ROAS) and streamline their marketing strategies.

Leveraging precise and comprehensive analytics is no longer optional—it’s essential. E-commerce companies, in particular, can harness the synergy between Admetrics and Outbrain to optimize their marketing efforts and refine their omnichannel strategies. This article will explore how Admetrics' cuttin`g-edge analytics suite, including multi-touch attribution and AI-powered modeling, helps e-commerce brands uncover the true potential of their Outbrain ads with Outbrain analytics.

Outbrain Analytics: A Key Ingredient in E-commerce Success

For e-commerce brands, running native ads through platforms like Outbrain is an essential part of driving traffic and generating sales. Outbrain’s native advertising solutions allow brands to place sponsored content seamlessly within publishers’ websites, where it appears less intrusive and more natural to consumers. However, while Outbrain can boost visibility, measuring the success of these campaigns and optimizing them for better performance can be challenging.

That’s where Outbrain analytics becomes indispensable. With an accurate and detailed breakdown of campaign performance, e-commerce brands can gain insights into what’s working, what’s not, and where to allocate budgets to maximize ROI. Admetrics provides a comprehensive solution that digs deep into these performance metrics, offering invaluable insights that go beyond the surface-level data provided by Outbrain itself.

How Admetrics Enhances Outbrain Analytics

Admetrics’ primary focus is on providing e-commerce brands with an all-encompassing analytical toolkit. By offering detailed metrics and leveraging machine learning for predictive analysis, Admetrics enables brands to fully understand the trajectory of their Outbrain campaigns. The following are key ways Admetrics enhances Outbrain analytics for e-commerce brands:

Unified Data Across Channels

Admetrics offers a centralized data warehouse through its Admetrics Data Studio, which aggregates data from multiple sources, including Outbrain. For brands juggling omnichannel strategies, this is a significant advantage. Admetrics simplifies the process by consolidating performance metrics across various platforms—whether it’s Google Ads, Facebook, or Outbrain—into one customizable dashboard. This unification of data eliminates the hassle of switching between different tools and spreadsheets, helping e-commerce brands make faster, data-driven decisions.

Advanced Multi-Touch Attribution

A major challenge for e-commerce marketers is understanding which touch points in the customer journey are most effective. Outbrain ads might drive initial traffic, but which ad, channel, or action led to the conversion? With multi-touch attribution, Admetrics offers a solution by analyzing each interaction a user has with a brand before making a purchase. This approach provides a more accurate depiction of campaign effectiveness across all channels, not just the final click before conversion. E-commerce companies can leverage this insight to optimize their Outbrain ads and adjust their spending based on what is truly driving conversions.

Privacy-Compliant Customer Journey Tracking

Understanding the full customer journey is critical for optimizing ad performance. Admetrics takes customer privacy seriously by offering privacy-compliant tracking of each customer interaction with an ad. E-commerce brands can track user journeys across all touchpoints while staying compliant with regulations like GDPR. This is particularly important for Outbrain ads, which often serve as the top-of-funnel discovery stage in the customer journey. Admetrics helps brands maintain visibility into how these ads contribute to the overall sales funnel, without violating privacy laws.

Optimizing Outbrain Campaigns with Admetrics AI-Powered Insights

The marriage of AI and analytics has brought e-commerce brands new opportunities to predict and enhance campaign performance. Admetrics leverages its AI-driven predictive audience modeling to provide brands with insights into which audience segments are most likely to convert. By analyzing first-party data in conjunction with machine learning models, Admetrics helps e-commerce companies refine their targeting for Outbrain campaigns, ensuring ads reach high-intent audiences.

AI-Based Predictive Modeling for Audience Segmentation

Admetrics uses machine learning algorithms to identify patterns within an e-commerce brand’s customer base, generating predictive audience models. These models are especially useful for improving Outbrain campaign targeting, as they help brands identify high-value segments likely to convert based on historical data. With these insights, e-commerce marketers can adjust their Outbrain ad copy, creative, and targeting settings to resonate with the audiences most likely to engage.

Boosting Return on Ad Spend (ROAS)

Understanding the correlation between ad spend and revenue is crucial for optimizing marketing efforts. Admetrics provides e-commerce companies with the tools they need to measure ROAS across all campaigns, including those run through Outbrain. By analyzing ad performance within the broader context of all marketing efforts, Admetrics helps companies make more informed decisions about budget allocation. For instance, an underperforming Outbrain campaign might be adjusted or paused in favor of channels delivering higher returns. These insights also help with marketing budget allocation for DTCs and e-commerce companies.

Real-Time Performance Monitoring

Admetrics offers real-time performance tracking for Outbrain campaigns, providing e-commerce brands with up-to-date insights on metrics like impressions, clicks, conversions, and overall ROI. This real-time data empowers companies to react quickly, making necessary adjustments to improve ad effectiveness without waiting for end-of-month reports.

Streamlining Reporting with Admetrics’ Customizable Dashboards

E-commerce teams often struggle with the manual processes involved in tracking ad performance across multiple channels. Admetrics simplifies this by offering customizable dashboards that allow brands to visualize all their Outbrain analytics in one place. These dashboards can be tailored to show the metrics that matter most, from click-through rates to conversion data, giving e-commerce teams the ability to assess performance at a glance.

Elimination of Manual Reporting Processes

Traditional reporting often involves juggling spreadsheets and cross-referencing data from various platforms, making it difficult to get a comprehensive view of campaign performance. With Admetrics, this frustration is eliminated. By offering pre-configured and customizable dashboards that pull in data from all channels, including Outbrain, Admetrics helps brands save time and reduce the likelihood of human error in reporting.

Actionable Insights for Smarter Decisions

Admetrics doesn’t just provide raw data—it offers actionable insights. By using data from multiple touch points and advanced analytics, Admetrics helps e-commerce brands make informed decisions on everything from budget allocation to creative optimization. These insights are especially valuable for refining Outbrain campaigns, where adjustments to audience targeting or ad placement can have a significant impact on performance.

Outbrain Analytics: Using Admetrics for accurate insights

PRISM4: Redefining Attribution Models for Outbrain Ads

Traditional tracking methods often fall short when it comes to accurately attributing conversions to the right channels. Admetrics has developed PRISM4, a proprietary system that goes beyond basic tracking models. PRISM4 offers more reliable, actionable insights for e-commerce brands looking to improve channel efficiency. Learn more about marketing mix modeling and how to leverage Admetrics' Prism4 for best e-commerce results.

Enhanced Attribution Beyond Clicks

Outbrain ads often serve as a top-of-funnel engagement tool, but their true value may not always be immediately apparent in last-click attribution models. PRISM4 by Admetrics offers a more nuanced attribution model, which takes into account various user interactions across multiple channels. This allows e-commerce brands to measure the long-term effectiveness of their Outbrain ads, beyond just the immediate clicks or conversions.


Understanding the performance of native advertising campaigns is crucial for sustained growth. Outbrain analytics, when paired with the advanced capabilities of Admetrics, offers e-commerce brands an unparalleled opportunity to delve into their ad performance data, optimize campaigns, and improve ROAS. By providing tools such as multi-touch attribution, AI-driven predictive modeling, and privacy-compliant tracking, Admetrics empowers brands to make informed, data-driven decisions.

With customizable dashboards and real-time analytics, Admetrics streamlines the often cumbersome reporting processes, allowing brands to focus on what matters most: optimizing their marketing strategies to drive sales. Whether it’s through improving audience targeting, refining ad creatives, or reallocating budgets for better efficiency, Admetrics offers e-commerce brands the insights they need to succeed in the competitive world of digital advertising.


How does Admetrics help e-commerce brands track Outbrain ad performance?
Admetrics integrates with Outbrain to provide real-time analytics and multi-touch attribution, giving e-commerce brands a comprehensive view of how their Outbrain ads contribute to the overall customer journey.

What is multi-touch attribution, and how does it benefit Outbrain campaigns?
Multi-touch attribution allows e-commerce brands to see which touchpoints are most effective in driving conversions. For Outbrain ads, this means identifying which ad interactions are most impactful across a customer’s journey, beyond just the final click.

Can Admetrics improve ROAS for Outbrain ads?
Yes, by offering predictive audience modeling and real-time performance tracking, Admetrics helps e-commerce brands allocate their budgets more effectively, leading to better return on ad spend (ROAS) for Outbrain campaigns.

What is PRISM4, and how does it enhance Outbrain analytics?
PRISM4 is Admetrics' proprietary system that goes beyond traditional tracking models, offering more reliable attribution insights. It helps e-commerce brands measure the long-term value of Outbrain ads by considering multiple touchpoints.

How does Admetrics ensure data privacy in customer tracking?
Admetrics uses privacy-compliant tracking methods, ensuring that brands can monitor customer journeys across channels, including Outbrain, without violating regulations like GDPR.